In 2018 we have teamed up with Spit Magazine to bring you training beta to motivate and educate climbers about training tools, methods and offer some training inspiration for your own sessions.
In this one, Volume 5, published in Spit Magazine n.8 August/September 2018 we are focused on suspended training tools.
Welcome to volume 5, the last of our introduction to the training laboratory. This month it’s all about suspended training tools. These are the tools that hang free, the gymnastic rings, hanging carrots and 10cm spheres, even suspended hangboards. You may even find a 30cm diameter sphere straight out of Star Wars in your gym and may the force be with you!
The main differentiator of these tools from those which we have already reviewed – the campus board, peg board and hangboard – is that these tools are free hanging. What changes from a training point of view is that the suspended tools oblige us to engage auxiliary muscles, particularly in our core and shoulders, improving our stabilizer muscles, grip strength and coordination – often all at the same time.
So what can we do with these tools? Truly, a lot and even performing the same exercise with a different suspended tool offers totally new sensations. Here is but a small glimpse into the training possibilities with suspended training tools.
The most versatile on the training floor. Using the rings you can accomplish a full body workout so here are just a very few ideas aside from the expected push-ups, front lever and iron cross.
With the rings in your hand, approximately 20cm above the floor, perform push-ups. Try to initiate with the rings parallel to your torso and hands near your chest and, while rising, rotate your hands so that by full extension your palms are facing back towards your feet.
Alternatively, try to put your feet in the rings and perform push-ups. Bonus points if you can do this exercise with your hands on a swiss ball!

Atomic Crunches:
With your feet in the rings, assume the plank position – your feet should be slightly under shoulder height. From plank, bring your knees to your chest. Repeat.
To work your oblique muscles pivot your torso and bring both knees towards one elbow.

L-sits and leg raises:
From a dead-hang or bend hang position, raise your feet from vertical to horizontal. This works the lower part of your core. To work the upper area of your core begin from a dead-hang position and, trying not to bend your legs, tap your toes to the rings.

The name of the game with these training tools is grip strength yet they are much more multipurpose than a straight deadhang tool. At once you can do many of the same core exercises and large muscle group pulls as you would with rings, yet at the same time strengthen your ability to hold on!

Compression Training:
Modern bouldering in the gym on those big volumes and slopers takes a lot of compression strength! We’ve designed this ball to help you squeeze the juice out of them. Make sure you are well warmed up before jumping on the most difficult slopers on this ball. How long can you hang the flats?

Suspended Hangboards:
For training well, everywhere. Take it on the road, or if you have limited space at home, or for warming up at the crag. Because it is not fixed to the wall the board forces you to stay engaged in your core, back and shoulders while performing core exercises or pull-ups.