Produciamo attrezzature per l'allenamento degli arrampicatori fatto in legno. I nostri prodotti sono innovativi, funzionali e di ottima qualità. Dedicate agli scalatori.
Explore Climbing è definito da artigianalità, passione e sperimentazione fondate su oltre vent'anni di esperienza nell'arrampicata e nella falegnameria.
June 17-20 2018 we set up once again at the OutdoorShow, a chance to connect with our global climbing community and interact with clients and friends, new and old. Always a pleasure! Of course, a highlight was when Klemen Becan stopped by and set a new record on our pegboard - 3 full moves with...
On October 14th we held our unique Blocage Violent XC PegBoard Endurance Challenge during BergaBlocco 2017 at the Alta Quota fair, Bergamo, Italy. The competition was fierce with even the finalists of the BergaBlocco boulder contest joining the fun! We had our y0ungest and strongest competitors yet! Bravo Nicolo for 12 points on the...
Friedrichshafen is one of the largest Outdoor Brand gatherings in the world and where else do us climbers have a chance to unite all together at the same location? Another successful OutDoor Friedrichshafen has come to a close and at Explore Climbing we are grateful for the chance to have connected with our climbing brothers and sisters...